Nexon claims that Choi's assertion of Nexon cancelling P3 when attempting to recruit employees was false, Choi knew it was false, and Nexon had already moved P3 to production. The filing then accuses Choi of plotting to leave Nexon and soliciting team members to leave with him and work on the project outside of Nexon. Nexon specifies "twenty separate downloads of stolen P3 source code and art resources" to these servers, eighteen of which "occurred after Nexon lifted its COVID-19 work from home policy on June 2, 2021."

The filing also alledges that Choi pulled source files onto other spun up external servers that Nexon wasn't even aware were in use. Nexon alleges Choi continued using external storage after the practice was discontinued without permission. This external storage option was an exception made during the COVID-19 pandemic which Nexon later discontinued post-pandemic. In addition to naming Ironmace Studios, the creators of Dark and Darker, in the suit, Nexon also names two specific individuals, Ju-Hyun Choi and Terence Seungha Park, both of whom were previous employees of Nexon's that the filing claims signed non-compete clauses (this is unlikely to matter) and who were involved in the storing of P3 (Nexon's project they allege Dark and Darker infringes upon) assets on an external server after the company required this off-site storage no longer be used (this will 100% matter). Nexon has officialy filed suit in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington and is demanding a jury trial to review their claims that Ironmace Studios is infringing on copyrights that Nexon owns. and this past weekend it became "paperwork official". As we've talked about on the Always Online podcast, this case, if it ever became official, could be one that shapes the gaming industry a bit. Have you been paying attention to the feud between Nexon and Ironmace Studios? If not, you should be. Obvious disclaimer: I write for a gaming site, I'm not a lawyer.